Multichannel Ultrasonic Testing Electronics
Product Description
The ECHOGRAPH 1170 Basic is a modular ultrasonic electronics unit, which is housed in a 4HU 10″-module rack. The module rack can be equipped with a master module and up to three ultrasonic modules.
Each ultrasonic module contains four multiplexed, individually and independently configurable channels for TR or single-element probes. The maximum pulse repetition frequency of 8 kHz can be distributed as desired among the four channels in the module, resulting in an average maximum pulse repetition frequency of 2 kHz.
One of the four channels in each module can perform a measurement at the same time. If several modules are used, parallel operation of channels is also possible. The master module receives the data from the individual ultrasonic channels, configures them and controls the clock program.
By means of the optional software tool ECHOVIEW function-oriented evaluations are possible (routine testing, strip chart, C-scan).
Key Facts
- Modular configuration for up to 12 channels per rack
- Easy spare parts stocking due to similar 4-channel modules
- 3 overlapping gates
- 2 trigger gates for simultaneous entry and back wall echo triggering or flexible BE-BE wall thickness measurement
- Measuring range up to 5 m
- Multiplex and parallel operation possible
- Analog and digital depth compensation (TCG) – also triggerable
- High-resolution time measurement: wall thickness measurement with a resolution of 0.01 mm and better
- Easy to use cycle program
- Self-contained PC as complete solution (option)
Without PC-module, no software:
ECHOGRAPH 1170 OEM, 4 channels
(order no.: 1170.400-04)
ECHOGRAPH 1170 OEM, 8 channels
(order no.: 1170.400-08)
ECHOGRAPH 1170 OEM, 12 channels
(order no.: 1170.400-12)
With PC-module and software ECHOVIEW:
ECHOGRAPH 1170, 4 channels, routine testing
(order no.: 1170.500-04 RT)
ECHOGRAPH 1170, 4 channels, strip chart
(order no.: 1170.500-04 SC)
ECHOGRAPH 1170, 4 channels, C-scan
(order no.: 1170.500-04 CS)
ECHOGRAPH 1170, 8 channels, routine testing
(order no.: 1170.500-08 RT)
ECHOGRAPH 1170, 8 channels, strip chart
(order no.: 1170.500-08 SC)
ECHOGRAPH 1170, 8 channels,C-scan
(order no.: 1170.500-08 CS)
ECHOGRAPH 1170, 12 channels, routine testing
(order no.: 1170.500-12 RT)
ECHOGRAPH 1170, 12 Kanäle, strip chart
(order no.: 1170.500-12 SC)
ECHOGRAPH 1170 12 Kanäle, C-scan
(order no.: 1170.500-12 CS)
Further Information
Our comprehensive brochure:
Things to know and accessories: